
26 August 2012

Sunday Social!

Welcom to my blog! If you're stopping by from Sunday Social, I hope you enjoy what you have to read. It's been a little depressing around here lately so I thought that I'd do a little link up to spruce it up around here!

Sunday Social
1. What is the first website you log on to each day?
Well, seems how I do most of my computer stuff at work, I can't get onto any social networking sites. So I got to blogger-->Gmail-->Pinterest (luckily doesn't count as social networking!)

2. Give us some funny websites you visit that we need to know about
Dear Blank, Please Blank Freaking hilarious, I'm getting distracted from this post now becasue I'm scrolling through it now...
That's probably the only one that I visit that's funny...

3. Pinterest or Facebook? Why?
 Tough question. Pre-break-up Pinterest was a my go-to site. But post-break-up it's a little bit depressing to see all the cutesy crap. So for today, I'm gonna go with FB.

4. Twitter or Instagram? Why?
 Instagram! I love take pictures of random stuff like the shoes I just bought or the food I have for lunch..I don't know, but I like to update the world in photographs.
5. Favorite youtube video:
I don't really watch a ton of videos on Youtube, but if I'm gonna watch one, it'll probably the the extremely inappropriate Jenna Marbles talking about random stuff like People that piss her off at the gym. She' pretty hillarious... (Don't watch this is you get offended by rude language!)
6. Biggest online petpeeve:
People posting their political opinions on a social networking site for the world to see and then getting offended when people don't agree with what they have to say...Oh man. That's the worst!


  1. Hi Katie, I'm here from the Sunday Social, it's great to find your blog. Thanks for sharing the website, "Dear Blank" it's hilarious! I've just spent 20 minutes scrolling through posts. Fun stuff. Happy Sunday! =)

    Nicole @ Three 31

  2. dear blank is one of my favorites!

    Have a great week! Drop by and say hello!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I can't remember if I replied to you in email, so I'm replying here too possibly! haha whoops Thanks for reading!


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