
26 September 2012

Post #100

Well, I made it. Post #100

You know, I really like big benchmark posts. That way I can reflect on what my blog has been thus far. It has been a lot of things for being so young. I've been at it for a couple days over 7 months and things have changed....a lot.

My entire life is different from the day I started this blog...It even had a different name!  I've come so far...and I've also regressed a lot. I've made mistakes and I've done a few things right. When I started this blog, I was really excited about my future with a boy.  I couldn't wait to be one of those popular MilSO blogs that a million people followed and always had a zillion comments.

Well, 100 posts later, everything is different. I don't care about having a million followers (Although, I am always happy to see that there is another person on this planet who cares what I have to say!) and comments are nice and I really love to get them, but I'm not blogging for fame. I'm blogging to survive my life and maybe start loving it again...

It's amazing to have documentation of the person that you were and the person that you are becoming...

I think that is probably the best thing about this blog. It constantly changes with the person that I am becoming. Each day and each experiance is shaping me into the person that I will one day be.  Sometimes, I think that we have to be someone that we don't like in order the find the person that we do like. It's yourself. You've got to try the wrong things to know what the right ones are. And you've got to date (and almost marry apparently) the wrong man to know that he's not the right one for you...

Today, things are getting better.  I'm still...discontent. But I'm working really hard not to be. I think that eventually, I'm going to be okay and I'll be better for it...And hopefully, I learn from my mistakes.  I guess I have this blog to remind me how I felt/feel. 

Things will continue to change every day...and I guess I want to keep it that way.

And BTW, if you're visiting from the Walkabout, I recommend you visit the pages at the top so you can understand what on earth I'm talking about!


  1. Happy 100! I'm glad that you can reflect, and even though it will be a while before you lose your will happen!

  2. Congrats on 100 posts!! It's interesting to see how much you've changed... I know I was a very different person when I started blogging. I love having an account of it, though sometimes I'm not always proud of things I did/said. But that's just the way life is. I love reading blogs where the people are blogging for themselves and not for X amount of readers. To me, it's about life, documenting it and LIVING it - not the followers or sponsors or whatever. =)

    p.s. Thanks for linking up for Wednesday Walkabout!
    Sarah from GI Joe's Wife

  3. Woop woop for 100! I agree with you, I think it's neat being able to look back and see yourself change and evolve. Maybe things don't go the way we plan but I am so excited for your future and to see everything it brings!


I looove getting all of your comments and building relationships with other bloggers and all you wonderful people in the world that have something to say about the things that I write. Please, drop me a line and let me know what you think! Your comments make my day!