
26 October 2012

Friday, Friday...gotta get down on Friday...

First of all, look how cute I am today! I started out in tight, dark teal dress, but I couldn't figure out a good way to make it look more work appropriate and less like I was going clubbing... I need some blazers or something to professionalize some of my less "worky" clothes. I'm getting pretty good at making my wardrobe very versitile. I've never really been all that into fashion, but with my recent shopping addiction, I've been looking pretty dang good! 

But then, I went outside to find this gross frost on my windows. It was thick too! Luckily, I remember that I had rear defrost, that made my life easier, but then I still had to scrape (took forever to find the scraper too!) in my dress...
end result:

Screw this...I'm gonna be late for work. Hopefully I don't wreck because of this frost I'm ignoring...

Anyway, that was my morning...icy, and cold. But my friend at work has pumpkin cookies. That makes everything better!

Now onto a radically different topic:
I am so popular in social media lately...I #hashtag and millions start liking. I think that I go to bed too early, because I wake up to this all the time.
And the funny things is, the one on the right is scolled to the bottom, there's like 5 more notifications and a, everyone loves my pictures Maybe I #hashtag too much! But I've also been posting a ton of stuff on Instagram and Twitter...I've almost hit my 1000th tweet already! I never thought I would like it as much as I do!

Are you following me?! Well you should be! You can also like my bloggy on Facebook for updates and to see my posts. If you don't like GFC or something, it's a great way to keep up with my bloggy!

Also, my giveaway! Rafflecopter seems to be giving me trouble, so what it's about to come down to, is I'm going to put names in a hat according to how many entries you have on rafflecopter and pull it out the old fashion way! I should know my winner by the end of the day!

Have a wonderful Friday my IRL (that "in real life") friends and bloggy friends alike!


  1. You do look super cute!!! PLEASE share where you got those adorable booties! Must. Have. Them.

  2. You look so cute!!!!! :) Happy Friday!

  3. It was actually 70 degrees here today! Yesterday morning though it was twenty with a frost. Crazy how the temps change so much this time of year up here in Vermont.

  4. I left you an award on my blog! :)


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