
05 October 2012

It's Time To Grow

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And that's all the shameless promotion for today!

Usually, this number on the scale would be one that people would see and be like "Wooooo! I'm awewsome!" Not me. My minimum is 107 for my height and it's definitely a problem that I'm weighing about this much on average.

When I originally enlisted this was my biggest problem. I was running like a maniac and not eating enough food.  Well, it looks like we meet again!  I think that it's probably even worse this time...Before, it was just kind of natural, but this time, it's different.

When J and I broke up almost two whole months ago now, I stopped eating. Not by choice. It wasn't anorexia...It was just hard to eat. I didn't ever want anything. Nothing looked good and when I started to eat, I couldn't finish anything.  It's getting a little better and my appetite is returning, but I'm still working out more than I'm eating.

It also doesn't help that I've become insanely competative. I don't know where it came from, but all of a sudden, it's not enough for me to just be good or okay. I have to be the best. I must be the fastest, strongest, most motivated person in the world in order to come out on top. So I spend all of my free time in the gym burning calories...

This is how I'm going to fix it!

I bought myself a little present a few days ago.

Yes, I bought a fridge. I got the toaster over for Christmas. So I basically just installed a kitchen in my bedroom.

The idea is that I'll be able to have all my own food that won't get eaten by my family. It will be more accessible, and uh, I can toast things without leaving my bedroom. I toasted myself some lil' bagel bites last night just to be awesome.
I know, I'm awesome ;)

I also downloaded the app MyFitnessPal. I am in love with it.  It tracks my calories and it shows me how long it will take me to reach my goals if I eat as much as it tells me to.
I freaked out when I saw this after I finished my food and excercise entries for that day.
I was like....AHHHH! Bad bad bad...So. I now know what I have to do to get heavier. Basically triple my calorie intake and never stop eating.

It's a good thing that it's payday!


  1. I would pay big bucks for your problem I can't stop gaining weight and I hate to exercise. Can you bottle your mind set for exercise and your lack of appetite and sell it to me?

  2. You do know that every woman, after reading this, hates you, LOL!!! I agree with Sandra, I wish I needed to gain weight! I finally managed to get back down to my pre-pregnancy weight in August (7 months after my daughter was born) but still have 13 lbs to loose before I achieve my goal weight...Sigh. What is your MFP i.d??? I'm also on there and LOVE IT!

  3. I think it's awesome that you basically installed your own personal kitchen in your room. I agree it's the best way to keep others from eating your food. :) Good luck with your weight gain!

  4. LOL! too funny. I've always been a smaller gal, but never had a weight LOSS problem! Someone who wanted me to gain weight once told me to stock up and eat a lot of bananas. haha... it may work?? never really tried it.

    Thanks for your encouragement on my blog, girl! It was so sweet for you to say that. Def love the outlet of blogging!

    p.s. glad your appetite is returning, and don't be going crazy with your competitiveness!! hahha... people are gonna start hating you at the gym. lol.


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