
24 October 2012


This morning, I opened my work email to find this gem about the TV in the break room...I thought it was funny so I thought I might share it:

"All DVD’s must be approved by management. Even though a few of us enjoy The Walking Dead, not everyone wants to watch a zombie decapitation while eating a pepperoni Hot Pocket."

And after I laughed inappropriately at this I realized that I got stuck with one of the stupid office chairs instead of the comfortable ones...Needless to say, the laughing ceased.

Now, on to the real post!
Product Image

I am currently obsessed with Taylor Swift's new album "Red".
I really cannot stop listening to it and I wish that I was listening to it right now...But they took internet radio away at work : (

What I like about it, is that I feel like it completely describes the life of someone 18-25.
I relate to almost every song. It's catchy and fun to listen's just so good.

So far my favorite songs are
I Knew You Were Trouble

Okay, I may as well just say the every song. There's not a single one that I don't like. I would highly recommend it to anyone that likes T-Swizzle or loves pop, because this album is...awesome and I'm in love.

Go buy it...

Winner of the Giveaway will be announced, hopefully later today!

I almost forgot to share with the Walkabout today!

You can link up too at any of the following blogs.
Chantal- Scattered Shells
Jane- Taingamala
Ready, set, go!


  1. I have heard good things about this album, I may have to buy it. :)

  2. I think I am going to buy it. I am a sucker for her music.

  3. I just can't imagine why watching the Zombie apocolypse isn't what EVERYONE wants to do while enjoying their lunch :P!

  4. People are talking everywhere about this album! I wasn't a HUGE fan of the first single so I kind of write off the whole thing. I'll definitely have to go back and look at it more now!

  5. Thanks for linking up for Wednesday Walkabout!
    Sarah from GI Joe's Wife

  6. My favorites are State of Grace, Holy Ground, Red and I Almost Do but honestly I love the whole album! I will probably listen to it all day while I study :P


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