
12 October 2012

What Tomorrow Brings

Have you entered my DefineBliss $50 Giftcard giveaway? Well get to it! Who doesn't love free money?!

In other news...

I'm going to a hockey game Saturday night! I'm so excited. I loove hockey. We don't have a pro team in Salt Lake, but we do have the Grizzlies.  

A few of us in the "Future Soldier Program" were asked to attend a hockey game (free rink-side ticket!) to do a little bit of recruiting. We'll go out on ice and do a little mock-swear in ceremony to show people how cool we are or something. 

It'll be fun to hang out with them.  The only the other girl around and I get along really well so we should have a good time. I'll try to take a few pictures. Being rink-side, I should be able to take some pretty good ones!

You know what else is cool? We went to the ticket office so my family could get ticket. The guys in the office, after hearing what my family wanted to go for, gave them 6 row 2 tickets for the price of ONE! How freaking cool is that?! There are some really good people in this world.

I had another cool military related experience today too. 
At work, part of my job is to test new applicants to see if they have an aptitude using the program that we work with every day. I got to talking to one of my applicants and discovered that I was talking to an officer in the Army Reserve...Needless to say, I straightened up and started calling him sir. Mostly out of habit, but it was cool to run into a commissioned officer in my civilian job. Plus, he passed the test with flying colors, so I got to give him a job too! Awesome right?

I guess some pretty cool things will come out of this Army thing...

It might be pretty okay to be...Army Strong.  I think that what tomorrow brings just might be alright with me. :)

PS--Enter my Giveaway! And please, be honest with your entries so that you can win something cool like this!
Seasonal Pumpkin Decoration



  1. My husband and I love hockey!!!! We went every week to see the local team place when we live in NC.

  2. My husband and I love hockey too! We went to see our team the LA Kings last season! Hockey is the best sport ever! Lol. So happy you are enjoying the Army "perks". :)


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