
26 November 2012

5 For Five

Before I jump into the link up, I just want to say a couple of things!

First of all I have purchased some ad space from several awesome bloggers! Hopefully that means a whole bunch of new friends! 
Also, remember DefineBliss from my 50 followers giveaway? Well, for Cyber Monday (that's like Black Friday but for online shopping...I just learned that on Friday haha) she is running an awesome promotion! Check it out here!

Also, she has also joined my daddy in sponsorship! My blog is now sporting her button! Please, pay them a visit this CyberMonday!

Interested in sponsoring me? Shoot me a lil' email and let me know!


Today, I decided to try this 5 for Five link up with Jessica from Fantastically Average.  I love the concept of this link up and I have a lot of stuff I need to get done in the next little while before I leave for Basic and AIT.

So, here are my first 5 for Five goals!

1. Write a complete shopping list for Christmas. Include each family member and 2-3 ideas for what to get them.
2. Write a list of things I want for Christmas.
3. Plan my sister's baby shower! (This is not just an excuse to sit on Pinterest for hours after work, I swear it...)
4. Clean my room.
5. Orgaize all things bloggy

Next week's 5 for Five will be a little more interesting because I'll actually have some stuff accomplish...or not, but until then, this will have to be all!

"Like" me on Facebook
Follow me on Twitter @camocolored
Follow me on Instagram @camocolored

Don't forget to check out my November Sponsor!


  1. I hope lots of new friends head your way! :) Your number one on the list made me all nervous....wah!! I haven't bought a single Christmas present and I have no idea when I will. I'm being induced next Monday then we're moving shortly after. Couple that with a crazy toddler who ABHORS shopping and I'm getting slightly antsy. I don't know that it will get done.

  2. SUPER excited that you're linking up with us for 5 for Five! You've got some fantastic goals ahead this week! Good luck with them all and I hope you link up next week and let us know how it went!!

  3. Thanks for linking up!! I hope this week was a success, and I can't wait to see how you did!


I looove getting all of your comments and building relationships with other bloggers and all you wonderful people in the world that have something to say about the things that I write. Please, drop me a line and let me know what you think! Your comments make my day!