
06 November 2012

Foods That Make My Heart Sing

So here I am again, linking up  joining in on this linky party without linking because I like to do it late :/ hosted by BlogLoveTherapy.

Today's challenge is to talk about 5 foods. So, it's a great opportunity to say how thankful I am for all the food on my table. 

Let me tell you something about food and me...We used to have a very...minimal relationship. I liked food. eating was great. We're not talking eating disorder or anything.  I was just picky and didn't eat much at all.
Then, I broke my arm.
Immediately after breaking it, I didn't like any food. Nothing sounded good. But after a few weeks, when I stopped taking the pain meds, I developed this appetite that was...ravenous. I was hungry for everthing. If I was writing this a little over a year ago, it would be boring and the only thing on the list would be...Spaghetti, but today, I love food.

I love enchiladas. The kind with creamy soupy filling with lots of green chilies and rotel. 

Pizza....I have a bit of a relationship with pizza. 
 Taco soup. My newest love. I made it a couple of days ago and it might be my favorite soup I've ever had. It's perfect for fall and had just enough of everything. It probably could have been a little bit spicier, but it was soo delicious!
I cannot stay away from the $8.36's just...too good.
And my first love of all foods. Spaghetti. Oh man. I freaking love I don't like American foods. WTH? Oh well! I hope you liked today's link up!

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  1. Taco Soup is awesome!!!! I have a love affair with pizza too but it has to be homemade. :)

  2. Love enchiladas! Thanks for I'm hungry! Lol.


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