
12 December 2012

All I Want For Christmas Is...

I have been such a slacker blogger lately! I haven't really had much to say, so I haven't been blogging. I try not to blog when I don't have stuff to say because it tends to end up being stupid.  But today, I'm going to post anyway and hope that it doesn't end up stupid.

I asked Twitter what I should write about today and Amber from Brunch With Amber suggested that I do a Christmas wish-list. Why didn't I think of that?!

Family members, take note.

I would like...

You (yes you!) to visit my new page and consider sponsoring me. It's FREE and I really need your help!

Anything Harry Pinterest board of all the things I want for Christmas is full of fun Harry Potter treasures...
Source: via Katie on Pinterest

I want dishes. This is kind of weird becuase I don't have a house to put dishes in, but I will soon. Not just any dishes though...I want "vintage" Pyrex. I don't really care if that makes me weird.

I want clothes and shoes. Maybe gift card to purchase them...I'm sort of particular.


Moto Army crap

Make up & Nail polish (I have a nail polish obsession. Especially with Essie)

Work out gear. All sorts of it. I'm obsessed with work out clothes. I especially want some with cute sayins on it like these ones:

Source: via Katie on Pinterest

Any of these books would be nice!

Source: via Katie on Pinterest


  1. I love the vintage pyrex!! My Mom had so much of it.

  2. How fun... I love vintage anything. I love your blog! I found you on the blog hop and am your newest follower. I was kinda, maybe, sorta hopin' you would pop on by and follow me back!


  3. I love the workout shirts! So cool!


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