
21 January 2013

Bitter Sweet

First and foremost! My giveaway is still running but it's winding down! Also, Military spouses, the military charms are soon to be discountinued! Get your order in before the January 31st to get your military charm lockets!
You can order by going to Tina Graham's Design Facebook Page and sending her an IM :)
You can win a free medium locket by entering this giveaway!

We're getting down to the wire! I'm leaving for basic training a week from today!  Are you guys going to miss me?! I hope so!

 Couple of days ago, I got word that my promotion came through! I am now going to be a PV2.
That still makes me a Private, but I dont' have to deal with a fuzzy little thing and having no rank insignia. I'm pretty happy about that!

But...It's my last day of work and I kind of want to cry.  Although work is occasionally annoying and there are things that frustrate me, I like it here. I've gotten quite good at my job and I'm sad I don't get to be a part of the next 6 months of growth this company is certain to experience. Luckily though, being a reservist, I get to come back to this lovely job. Hopefully by then, some of th big growing pains that made this job hard will be worked out.

There are a few things I will really miss about work.
I'm going to miss...

Standing in line for the microwave only to discover you ended up with the one that sets paper on fire, the vending machine that almost never delivers your treat to you, and walking in the breakroom to find that there is one person at each table and you have to choose who to be awkward with.

E-mails that tell us not to clip our nails, cut our hair, put our feet on our desk, or take too long to walk to the time clock..

Source: via Katie on Pinterest

Drawing the little trampoline man on my hand and watching him jump for hours.

The horrified look on the face of a trainee when they take their first call.

Living on the edge and having food at my desk when we've been told "no food in your stations. Food is defined as any source of nourishment healthy or otherwise."

Taking secret pictures of things...

 The fear I feel when I go into the forbidden break room to buy a soda when they're all sold out downstairs.
Chatting with my co-workers and having both hilarious and intelligent conversations.

Leaving for work early enough for this to be the temperature

Wearing a most stylish headset and freezing my bum off.

Working really hard to avoid anyone seeing my terrible  badge picture.

Yup, my thumb is over my face for a reason...not cute.

 Running all over the center to find a working time clock.

Bundling up because it's like Antarctica in this place.

Having people repeatedly ask me why I'm dressed up and telling them "I just like dresses" on a a nearly daily basis.

and so many other things!

Today I brought cookies for everyone and I even got a hug someone who told me that cats are the only mamals he would even consider hugging. Ima call that a win.


Source: via Katie on Pinterest

So here's to moving on to the next chapter in my life. A new adventure with new friends, new fears, new joys and a ridiculous amount of uncertainty.

I really hope that it's everything that I have ever dreamed of.



  1. Yay for being a PV2 and not a private fuzzy. :)

  2. Yay! So excited for you and Congrats on getting PV2! :)


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