
07 January 2013

Can You Ever Be Just Whelmed?

Holy moly, blog. My life is so hectic right now.  Last night, I just fell apart. I started crying alone in my ( sister's old room. Mine is a wreck and I don't want to deal with it right this minute...) room, because I was feeling overwhelmed with everything I have to do...

Today, I got home from work (of course we were busy as crap...) and I thought about the zillion things I had to do. Of course, instead of doing them, I hit the gym, went to Cafe Rio, messed around on Facebook...And did all but the things I was supposed to accomplish. 

Well, I did one thing that I needed to. I finally completed my UNLV application...It's basically decided that I'm going there. Although I would really like to go to Washington, I think that it probably isn't very realistic. Besides, I would get to keep my civilian job, and likely move up very quickly if I go to Vegas. 

You wouldn't believe my checklist of shiz I have to take care of before I leave...The funny thing is, I haven't really procrastinated. It's just that there were things I couldn't do until now...

  • I've got to do my taxes.
  • I have to apply for financial aid for school.
  • I have to figure out how to get the money from the Army for school...I checked it out today. Looks like I have my work cut out for me. Seriously, it looks complicated. 
  • I have to box up everything in my room for storage. 
  • I have to wash all my clothes...
  • I need to take care of all of my per-written posts, guest posts, sponsors, giveaways etc. for while I'm gone.
  • Freeze my gym member ship. 
  • Get leave from work. Also, try to figure out how I'm going to get transferred to Las Vegas in a matter of, possibly, days. 
  • Set up auto-pay for my phone bill. I also have to have a minor heart attack over the fact that I'm about to pay $300 for a phone I might get to use 3 times in 3 months...
  • AND! I have to catch up with the stuff that I procrastinated. That's pretty much just my knowledge stuff...I didn't get on top of it like I did with the Marines. It's hard, though, when you have a civilian job.  There are not enough hours in the day to get all the things done that need to be done and have a little gym time (also a necessity.)
If that doesn't look overwhelming, I don't know what is...If ya'll have experience, know people with experience or whatever in these situations or have some good ideas that will help me to accomplish the hard ones, I would so appreciate it!  

And...if you can name that movie the title of this post is from...we're best friends!


  1. You can do it!!! :) Let me guess "10 Things I Hate About You"?? :)

  2. You got this girl! I helped my husband a lot before he left for training. Maybe some of your family can help with the load? Hugs! :)

  3. You can do it! Just take a deep breath every now & then :)


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