
09 January 2013

Put It In A Box

It's Wednesday! That means it's time for the Wednesday Walkabout! 
In case you're new here, allow me to introduce myself!

I'm Katie. I'm in the Army Reserve. I leave for basic training in two weeks and I couldn't be more excited.  But I am not the Army. I am a soldier, but I am not the Army. I'm still a young lady that is living a life filled with chaos...I do my best to keep things in order but somehow, things tend to get all messed up. 

These days, I just toss all the pieces of my life into the air and see where they land. I lay building blocks and attempt to untangle the mess that is the life of a 19 year old.  I write about  my growing pains a lot and I try really hard to just ride them out. I do my best in all that I do and I keep a smile on my face. What else is there to do, right?

I hope that you would like to stick around and get to know me. Please, if this is your first visit, drop me a line so I can get to know you! Blog friends are my favorite!


Packing your life into boxes is pretty difficult. All you military spouses that PCS (permanent change of station) every couple of years...I applaud you. It's tough...Yesterday, I hit Home Depot for some  boxes and began the process of packing it all away. DVDs, books, dance shoes, clothes, odds and ends...And this is just the stuff in my bedroom. I can't imagine packing up an entire house! I keep running into stuff like piles of pictures and old notes that make me stop and remember the "good old days".  It makes it nearly impossible to get things done. 

I put everything in my closet in a box with all of my hangers. I laid out clothes for the next two weeks that will also get stuffed in a box.  I never realized how truly adorable all my clothes are...I have good taste ya'll!

I shouldn't ever complain about having nothing to wear again...but I'm sure that I will. 

I'm really excited to go. I know that it's going to be an amazing experience. I know that I'm going to kick some freaking Army ass and graduate proud as can be of whatever I accomplish. 

However, I am also sad...Starting a new exciting chapter, means the ending of one that I was really starting to enjoy. I've always been quite the being away for a long time, possibly for the rest of my life, is going to be really different!  My entire world is about to get turned upside down and inside out.  

Don't get me wrong, I am beyond excited for it. This change has been a long time coming, but I can already feel the struggle. It's going to be hard. I'm not going to love it all right away...I'm doing my best to prepare myself for the worst, but I'm hoping that I will be pleasantly surprised with a lack of hardship in all these changes...

And now, onto the truly awesome part of this post!

Because the Origami Owl Giveaway was so well received, Tina asked me to do another one! Please, be honest in your entries. I understand that I made a few mistakes when creating the widget last time...That is entirely my bad, but it's fixed this time around! If you run into to troubles or have any questions, please, tweet me, email  me, or...something and I'll get it fixed!

Head over to Tina's Facebook page and check out her awesome Valentines promotion. it is the reason for this giveaway! So if you didn't win last time, definitely enter again and try your luck!



  1. You're going to be awesome in anything you do! I'm excited for you girl! New chapters are always hard but so rewarding. :)

  2. A new chapter is a good thing! See the positive! Here's hoping for trying to win this one!

  3. I am a homebody too, so I know how that goes, but I'm excited for you! You'll do awesome!

  4. I wish I liked my wardrobe! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  5. You will do amazing things my friend!!! :)

  6. Stopping by from the walkabout. I think it's really cool that you are in the army. And those are really cool lockets.

  7. Looove that picture of you. So cute. I know how you feel, well sort of. Now the going away to boot camp bit. But, packing up your life and moving onto something new. It's definitely bittersweet.

  8. Well, Katie, I loved the post. Your outlook on life is far ahead of other kids your age. I say kid because you will always be my little girl no matter how old you are or where you go. I am proud to be the mom of a soldier, a dancer, a musician, a sister, a soon to be aunt and a daughter. Thank you for your love and your smile. I wish you luck with all of your adventures. Remember it is not about where you are going but about the journey on your way there. Have fun little girl!!!

  9. thanks for this awesome giveaway and best of luck with the move!

  10. Yes, oh my goodness so much change! It is so exciting and scary and all those things! I can't believe it's only two weeks away!

    I hate packing life into boxes. Also I'm super impressed you got your hangers to sit so nicely in the box mine are always out of control.

  11. Moving is a pain! But so much to look forward to! I love Origami! Thanks for the giveaway!

  12. Thanks for the giveaway! Moving is a tough job, but soo worth it in the end! Best of luck.

  13. Thank you for the awesome giveaway! Good luck with the move! It will all be worth it in the end! =]


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