
24 January 2013

The Things We Leave Behind

Seems how I'm getting ready to go and leaving behind a whole lot of things, I thought I'd say a little bit about all those things that I've left so far.

In my life I have had many adventures.  I have seen many versions of myself and I have discovered the things that have been worth keeping around, things that haven't, and things that I miss now that they've been more or less, left in the dust. 

Sadly, it happens fairly often. Even the things that you love just seem to become less important. You don't make time for them anymore even if you still love them.

For example, reading. I used to read an entire book each day. It took me only a few hours to get through a book with 300 pages, sometimes more. I loved it. It was like you could have these fantastic adventures, feel the most painful heartbreaks, experience the best kind of joy, with out ever leaving the comfort of your home.  And I just...grew out of it. Can you imagine that? I grew out of being an avid reader.

I can't even remember all of the books that I have read. That's how many I have read. I also have quite the library fines...still unpaid. I know I'm such a rebel. 

Once upon time, I was a dancer. I danced jazz and ballet for years. Sometimes I really miss it.  This week, my high school drill team competed in Region and I felt so nostalgic looking at all of their region camp pictures. 
And I might never continue that...It's hard to have left it behind. I packed all of my dance shoes into a box last week. I sealed them up in a zip lock back along with a little bit of wishful thinking. Hoping that maybe one day, I'll continue with it. 

Believe it or not, I used to be one of those people who listened to screamo music. It was actually my favorite kind of music...But I can hardly remember the last time I chose to listen to it over something else. Not because I don't like it anymore, I've simply, moved on from it. 

It's amazing to me how my likes and dislikes have changed. How many things that I've all but forgotten about...What will change in the next few years? What will I leave behind? What will I keep around? I guess only time will tell...



  1. Ahh dance. I miss it a lot. Hopefully one day you can get back into it... and me as well!

  2. It is amazing how things change and how we grow as adults.


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