
14 February 2013

A Little 'Bout Love

Happy Valentines Day, everyone!  If you're wondering what the bunny has to do with Valentines day..well the answer is nothing, but that heart...that is exactly what a heart that I colored would look like, so this little piece of clip art is simply necessary. 

I'm not the biggest Valentines Day lover in the world, but I figured I would give you guys some love from basic!

Kiss your sweetheart if you've got one.

If you don't...well, the way I see it, you've got two options: You can hate this day, wallow is self-pity and wish you were like your friends who got flowers and are going out to dinner tonight.

Or you can just...not care. Valentines day is a greeting card holiday that people use as an excuse to go out. No need to hate it, it's just another day!

I thought I would use today as an excuse to throw out some good quotes about love...That might sound kind of dumb, but I think that we forget what love is and we need to be reminded, and other people tend to say it better than I. 

And that's all I've got for you today. 

I hope you all have a wonderful day!


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