
13 April 2013

I'm Back, Did You Miss Me?


I am currently hanging out at the USO in the St. Louis Airport just waiting for my bus to arrive and I thought that I would stop in and say a thing or two before I head off to AIT and get too busy to blog about what's going on. 

First things first!

I had a giveaway going before I left that never got taken care of because I was gone. Don't worry, a winner will be picked and something will be sorted out, I promise!

Second of all. I missed my much. I missed all of my readers, I missed writing my witty little pieces, I missed tweeting and facebooking and all the annoying parts of bloggings all put together and I am so happy to be returning to this thing that I love so much.

I would also like to thank the awesome ladies that blogged for me while I was gone! I so appreciated them and their efforts to keep my blog from dying out. I was so worried, but I think that it was alright :) I could have asked for better bloggy friends. 

What I've decided to do with my basic training experiences, is tell you a little bit about them each week.  I suppose it will be a "Military Monday" sort of thing. Hopefully that works out as well as I think it will. 

But until then, I'll give you a few wonderful highlights. 

1) I reached one of my goals and I was promoted to Private First Class effective 12 April!  Only 18 out of 210 were promoted and I was one of them.  I am so proud of it and the extra money really doesn't make me sad at all. 

2) I was able to serve as a squad leader. It felt so good to be given some responsibility. I was more than happy to march at the front of the formation and do a few little things here and there to help out our Platoon guides. 

3) My entire family came to see me graduate! Including my wonderfully angelic niece. Meeting her for the first time was probably the best thing....ever!

And of course, there is so much more to tell and many exciting things that I got to experience. Overall, basic training was a fun and educational experience. I am really glad to be done and moving onto the next part of my training. I really hope that it's everything I hoped. 

Oh, side note! While I was in basic, my mom sent me my mail that was going to my home address. That meant that I found out I got into UNLV while I was laying on the floor in the squad bay going through my mail for that evening! So, it looks like I've got yet another great adventure ahead of me. More on that to come as well! 

I am also hoping to get a new design up and running here soon, but we'll have to see how much free time I have before that happens! I hope you are as excited as I am about what is to come!


  1. Katie. I am more than proud of you. I love to see how much you loved getting to your goal. I'm also proud of you for getting into UNLV ... Thanks for serving our country. :)

  2. So glad you're back! Congrats on your graduation, promotion and getting into UNLV! So excited for you! :)

  3. SO many wonderful things you accomplished, I am so proud of you!!!! :) Congrats!

  4. Congratulations on this huge accomplishment you have made in your life!!! I can't wait to read all about it!

  5. This was fun to read. Congrats to you !!


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