This Army Life...

Well hello my lovlies!

I know it's strange to see me posting on a Saturday, but I've got a little time before first formation and the internet is on its best behavior for now, so I figured I might try to crank something out. 

Unfortunately, my whole life is revolving around the military right now, so you will probably get to read a whole lot about that for the next little while. Hopefully I'll get to do some exciting things that will have nothing to do with the military and you won't be so bored with my ACU wardrobe. 

For the past two weeks, we have just been in class, which is apparently what we'll be doing for the remainder of my stay here. As of right now, AIT isn't so bad. There are a few annoying things that I wish weren't so, but I guess that is just how the military works. Things don't always go your way.

Last Wednesday when we started our course work for my job we got these study guides...Check this thing out.'s crazy. Luckily, the material is pretty easy, as far as I can tell. I think that this will be a pretty good warm up for college. It will get my brain in the school mind-set so I can be successful there.

Currently, I'm just chillaxing in my room killing sometime before I have to get in first formation. 

Usually, when I have down time, I straighten my boot display, make my bed, or I pretend to clean my locker. that thing...I clean it, then it's messy the next second. I swear it's impossible for it to stay clean. I do a lot of laundry and tons of working out.

Living in the barracks and sitting around all the time is causing me to understand why these types of videos are produced so often...

This doesn't reflect upon my opinion of Gay people in the military..I just liked the video!

I'm Katie. I'm a 20-something Soldier & student taking each day one step at a time. Living through all the growing pains that come with becoming that person that I always wanted to be & finding that bright side in all of this Camo-Colored Chaos. You can get to know more about me here.

Follow me on: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.


Jen said...

Sounds like you are doing well. :)

Kim said...

It's good to see how well you're doing. Glad the course work isn't too hard. :)

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