
29 June 2013

Bring On The Red Bull

That's sarcasm people. Ya get me?
 Over the past....3 weeks, I have been obnoxiously busy with all sorts of stuff!

I was inducted into the United States Army Chemical Corps
We had this cool ceremony where we got our regimental crests. It was something that I was really quite proud to be a part of. 
I got to see my parents for the first time in two months!
I graduated from AIT on 24 June 2013! 
I sang the National Anthem at said graduation (yuh...seriously. I did.)
I said goodbye to all my friends that are being spread out across the world to go to work.

I moved into a new building, with a new roommate. I am now in a different company with new rules, a different Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), and a whole lot more freedom. And a mini fridge! We pulled a switcheroo with the room across the hall. So ours even works.

I chopped all of my hair off yesterday....

Along with my new hair style, I also got this awesomely painful sunburn to go with it. It is cute. 

And now, here I am. Blogging in my "spare" time. I really should be napping, but instead, I'm just going to compensate later with a lil' 16 Oz Red Bull. 

I have been having the time of my life for the past few weeks. I am not quite ready to return to the civilian world and be a weekend warrior once again. I know that it's inevitable, but I don't like to think about it too much...

I know that I have to move on and do work, but I kind of just want to stay put. I was just starting to get used to being here and living this life. I don't want to leave it yet. 

For the first time in quite a long while, I feel like I can say with confidence, I am happy.

1 comment:

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