
02 June 2013

What You Miss Out On

When I was in basic, I published a post about being homesick. 

Yes, I was a little bit homesick while I was there, but it was different. I didn't have the ability to talk to them, so I wasn't really seeing what all I was missing out on. 

Now I have the opportunity to see what's going on at home all the time and it makes me miss it a whole lot more. 

This weekend my family was a bluegrass festival that was the ultimate escape for me last year. It's one that is close to home and so much fun. I was so sad that I missed out on it...

It was Kallie's first Bluegrass Festival.

It seems like she was really digging it. Sound asleep the cute lil' bit...

Also, my little sister played in the instrument contest. She played in the open (advanced) division for the first time this year.  I was so excited for her because I knew that she had been practicing so hard. My mom called me at the time that she went on and I got to listen to her play. It was so incredible. I cried when she was finished. I was so very sad that I couldn't be there, but I was happy to have been able to at least listen to her play. 

It's so dang hard to be away from home! I still have a good 7 weeks left before I get to leave here. If I'm lucky I get to see my family a little bit before then. I can't wait to be home...even though I'm going to be leaving again right after I get there. It's going to be different to be able to head home whenever I really need to. I just hope this homesickness takes a vacation sometimes soon. Until then, I'll just wrap up in my wooby and blog about it all...

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