
28 July 2013

The Next Big Thing

I'm aware that I am awful at blogging, but now I am home! 

I have been pretty busy since my plane landed on the 24th! I've been playing with my niece endlessly, eating way too much, shopping just enough and buying only a few things here and there! I'm doing pretty good not emptying out my pockets. 

Seriously, this lil' girl is my pride and joy. She's just about 5 months old and she has me wrapped around her little, tiny, baby finger. Her little baby laugh is the sweetest thing in the world and I just can't take my eyes off of her sweet face. I just want to hold her and never let her grow up. 

On Thursday, I saw the flashing sign at the soccer stadium near my house flashing Jason Aldean's name and decided I might try to get some tickets. Turns out, I scored amazing seats right on the field. I took my friend and had the time of my life. Jason Aldean put on a great show and I knew every song he sang. It felt so strange to just be acting like a regular old...girl, but it was the good kind of strange. 

Seriously, we were freaking out about how great our seats were the whole time...I don't know how on Earth I got so lucky. 

Later that night, we went out to the west side of Utah Lake and did the most red neck camping I have ever done. Complete with beer cans in the fire pit and sleeping on an air mattress on the back of a four-wheeler trailer.  Don't get me wrong though, it was probably the funnest camping I have done in a while. In the morning we shot a few rounds from all the weapons we brought along with us and the guys did some four-wheeling around the windy trails.  It was definitely worth the trip out there. 

In other news, I'm getting ready to move down to UNLV so, I'm doing my best to save up my money and not go too crazy.  In the next couple of weeks I am going back to work at my civilian job, buying a car (oh my about anxiety!) and getting the heck out of Utah, again! 

I suppose that now that this little chapter of military training has ended, it's time to move onto the next big thing!


  1. So glad you are having fun! We saw Jason Aldean for the 2nd time in May and he definitely puts on an amazing show.

  2. So many great things coming your way! So happy for you! :)

  3. I would have been freaking out too if I had gotten super close seats at Jason's concert! I'm glad you had a good time!

  4. Jealous! I'd love to see Jason Aldean someday!
    Your niece is precious!
    Were you camping next to Saratoga, like right across from the lake? Or did you go further west than Eagle Mountain? We used to live there and went shooting all over and did all sorts of red neck things in those hills :) ha!


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