
07 August 2013

It's Called Life & It Happens

You know, I am extremely happy with my life right now.

That is something that I haven't been able to say in a very long time, and it feels so good.

I have been...stressed beyond belief for the past few weeks trying to figure out how to make my life possible. I am plannig to go to UNLV in a couple of weeks but I have no books, they haven't yet recieve my high school transcripts, I can't afford to life in the dorms, and they apparently hate the military because they suck at working with me...

But somehow, I am as a cucumber. (I never did understand that lil' similie...) I haven't got a clue how I am going to make this happen, but I have faith that I can make it all work out. Somehow I'm going to pull my shit together and make it happen.

I suppose that greatness is born from I'm probably going to be really great by the time all is said and done.

I suppose that it's called life...and It happens.

I can't stop it. It doesn't matter how hard I try, it's just going to keep throwing curve balls and I'll just have to keep on trying to whack them out of the park. I think I'll be lucky just to get a piece of it, but I guess we'll see what happens!

Until then...

I am so very excited to be linking up with all of the following lovely ladies.

Chantal- Scattered Shells
Jane- Poppiness
Sarah- G.I. Joe's Wife
Jamie- Handling with Grace

I love to see link ups survive for this long! The great thing about the Walkabout, is there is nothing specific you have to write about. It's just a place where you can link up your post about anything under the sun.

So go on! Link Up :)

Today's title brought to you by one of my oh-so-faithful readers Jen 

1 comment:

  1. You are so welcome for the title. :) So sorry UNLV is being a pain :( I went there for a year and they stressed me out so bad I left. Fingers crossed that it all gets worked out.


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