
16 August 2013

Poor College Student

You know, I never really thought I'd be one of those college kids. One that has zero money and lives on Ramen Noodles type of kids...

I got my hours cut at work...all my financial aid is impossible to get a hold of. I just bought a car, and, well, I'm 20. So I don't have whole lot saved up 

So, I'm not allowed to eat anywhere except my school's DFAC, and I'm definitely going to have to to have very inexpensive fun. 

But I still want to be able to do fun things every now and then. So, In an effort to make my life easier in the long run, I'm giving this "No-Spend" trend a shot. I'm doing it to try and create better spending habits and to keep better track of where my money is going. 

Join me and Ashley from American Honey for a whole month of only spending money on the essentials! 

Keep your eye out for "No-Spend Spetember".

It's going to be...ineteresting!


  1. I think this is great! It's amazing how you can make it all work with little money.

  2. Been there!! And still kind of there now that I am trying to pay back my loans! One of my friends sent me this site...maybe it'll be helpful:

  3. I think this is a great idea! Can't wait to hear all of your money saving tricks. :)


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