
03 September 2013

Katie Lately

I suppose it has been a while since I have really updated ya'll on me

So what's new with me that isn't filled with deep meaning and planning and insanity?

As I have said before, I live in Las Vegas now. That is definitely new!
I cannot stay away from dessert...I never used to like sweets, but all of a sudden? Cheese cake, carrot cake, chocolate's all I think about.
Now that I have one tattoo, I want 5 or 6 more.

I still really love to work out.  There is an awesome free gym for students with an indoor's amazing.

I'm a Student...Whoa. It's still weird to say that out loud.
I still love nail polish. 

Recently, I have actually really been into the colors pink and purple...I used to really hate pink. 
You know that song, "We Can't Stop"? Well I can't stop....playing it over and over again.

Speaking of music, Spotify? Best thing that ever happened to this universe next to Netflix and Hulu.

I have decided to be an Anthropology Major.

My career goal is to work in a museum. I want to be a curator or something of the sort.

I haven't really made many friends here yet, but I'm not minding just being alone. It's kind of nice.

I feel this insane need for adventure...I have a newfound want for something well new.

I love being and Auntie. So. Much.

I'm missing home and I miss my family but overall, I am so happy to be experiencing a new place and having a whole different lifestyle. I think it's really good for me and for my life in the future to have had many different setting in which I've had to live my life. Something tells me that this is just the beginning...


  1. It really is amazing how addicting tattoos can be.

  2. Lots of exciting things! Good luck in your new home! :)

  3. I can't remember if I knew you lived in Vegas now. That's just a couple hours away from me!


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