
02 September 2013

No Spend September

-Unrelated to today's post. Feel like laughing? Check out my post from a couple of days ago.-
When I began the process of applying to college and all that good stuff, I became very aware of all of the many expenses I was going to rack up. I knew I had to buy a car and that I wasn't exactly going to be living in the land of milk and honey.

 I have accepted that I am going to be po'.

I have seen a lot of people in the blog-world doing "No-Spend [insert month]" type challenges. I have decided that due to the fact that I am...broke to put it plainly, I ought to give my own version a spin.  In fact, it might be more out of necessity than choice that I have come around to this conclusion.

I have also recently learned that my hours at work are going to be cut from 28 hours a week to 10 Yep. 10. That is bad, bad, bad...This change is definitely going to force me into some brand new spending habits. Or rather lack of spending habits. 

I have been doing some serious research on all of these "No-Spend" challenges and I have come up with my own.  My good bloggy friend Ashley have decided to jump into this together and see how it goes! 

This is how I plan to not only survive my "No-Spend" challenge, but also create good spending habits that will follow me throughout the rest of my life. Hopefully.

1. Stick to the budget. No exceptions. No excuses.
2. Cut bills into halves.
3. Once they are split up, pay them on a designated day. No procrastinating.
4. Do not eat out. 

Already I am living the life of a broke-ass college kid.  I even had to get the cheap shampoo...

Why yes, that is the family size Suave brand :(
But maybe someday, I'll be able to afford things like...Treseme!

And hopefully, this will be me by the time the month is over!

In the spirit of not spending money, all sponsorship opportunities are free. Please contact me to have your button on my sidebar for the month of September :)



  1. You can do it. I've been a student or married to a student for almost 10 years. We've been living on a very strict budget ever since we got married three years ago. It's hard sometimes but do-able.

  2. Ummmm....I still buy Suave, cause I'm cheap. In my early to mid 20's, I spent a lot. Part of that was my husband's fault, but I can't blame it all on him. I now realize that it's just stuff and I don't need it. Sure, I buy stuff (clothes), but not to extremes. And I'd love to throw an ad on your sidebar!

  3. I know you probably don't really have the time, but if you do, couponing for your necessities would be a great way to save. You don't have to stockpile [obv you won't have the room at collge] but make it work for you!

  4. So far so good! I've been using Suave for the past few months because it was inexpensive (and smells really good) until I ran across a Pantene $3 off coupon.


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