
18 October 2013

Bring on the Weekend

Although I have been super sick for the past week, I'm finally starting to feel a little bit better.
My friend brought me some Nyquil and Dayquil the other day which has done amazing things for my ability to sleep.  Thank goodness for good friends right? So after a lovely cold-cocktail...I'm feeling like I can actually have a little bit of fun!
It wasn't a minute too late either. This weekend is hopefully going to be a lot like the last. Only better. This time both of my friends will be visiting at the same time!
Don't send me pictures boys. they end up on the blog. ;)
You can expect a full recap complete with pictures and hopefully some pretty crazy stories to go with them. I'm pretty sure we're going to have a great time.
I don't know if I've said this here, but I really only have about...two friends here at school.  They're in a fraternity and don't tend to have time to hang out with me all the time. I often get a little left out because they do "Greek Only" sort of stuff and I end up going to the wayside a little bit...
It's nice that I have plans too. That way I don't just end up sleeping all damn day. That is no fun.
Instead, I'm going to celebrate the fact that my midterms are over and have a lost weekend...
oh wow. hahahaha

So #backthatazzup and enjoy your weekend!



  1. Haha that last picture is awesome!

  2. I hope you have a great weekend!

  3. I can totally relate! If I don't go home on weekends, I'm usually laying on the couch watching whatever Lifetime movie is on, and scrolling through Tumblr.


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