
21 October 2013

Contributing Member of Society

Wow...Is it really Monday again? That always makes me a little sad inside...

So I decided to go straight for the defense.

Today I did this crazy things where I got up and I dressed as if I was a contributing member of society.  I put on my favorite dress, some socks that don't really match it, and some booties. Get this. I even put on...wait for it...Make up! I know...a real #OOTD It's a Christmas miracle.

I figure as a sweet single lady in this world, maybe I should try to be cute every now and then? Or maybe...I just wanted to wear my booties. That's probably it.

I won't lie, I don't understand why the front camera on the iPhone is always so grainy, but whatever...

I've had this dress since I was in the 8th grade. I'm actually surprised that it still fits comfortably. I have a dress I wore at my high school graduation that I can't even consider zipping because I will stop breathing...

Forgive me. This is before I knew about tweezing eye brows and apparently being cute at all because this is an awful photograph. At least my friend looks good!

I guess I'm just glad I finally learned how to take what I've got and work it.  I really don't know why that dress doesn't fit...I'm way more fit now than I was then.  Let's blame it on all of my awesome-ness not being able to fit into one dress. 

Speaking of awesome...

Have you checked out my sidebar lately? It's got a few new things going on.
Did you know that I'm on Bloglovin'? Well now you do! If you aren't following me there, go ahead and take a minute to click it.

Also, I have several new sponsors! Today I'd like to introduce you to Jenn from Party Of One.

Party of One
I love to read her blog and I think you will too. She's an awesome single gal just like me working to make it in a world filled with parties of two. Take a minute to go and check her out. 
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