
06 October 2013

Dollar Store First...

So I tried really hard to not spend any money throughout the month of September.

Honestly, I did a pretty good job. Constantly paying attention to how much your spending really makes you think "Do I really need this?" Most of the time the answer is "no" and your problem is gone.

Unfortunately, I ended up having a surprise trip to Salt Lake which definitely hurt my final total becuase I didn't work for several days. This means that I wasn't bringing in quite as much money.
Although this month of not spending any money didn't go quite as I planned, I did learn from it. I found out that it's actually quite easy to just not swipe the debit card for the things I want. Yesterday, I had to go to the store to buy things like tissues and deodorant.
I made a list and compared prices. When I thought something was too expensive I didn't buy it.
As it turns out, I should have gone to the dollar store first. I found several things there that were the same brands for, well, a dollar when they were more expensive at Target.
Next time, dollar store first!
Go Check out Ashley's Blog to see how she did this No Spending month!


  1. I love the dollar store. There are definitely some things you have to be careful with (I find hangers tend to break after like a week...and hair clips), but a lot of stuff works great! I get a lot of holiday decorations from there too.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. gotta love those dollar stores, or 99 cents stores we have here...although many 99 cents items add up!



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