
23 October 2013

Guess What Day It Is?

Do yourself a favor and watch this.  

If you did not watch that video check yourself before you wreck yourself. It will change your life.   I have watched it no fewer that 8 times just today. I promise, there is nothing better. 

With that being said...

Today is hump day and I am so happy about that...Wednesday has always been my favorite day of the week.

In elementary school it was pizza day. Then in high school it was mashed potato day. That was by far, my favorite thing ever. I have a thing with mashed potatoes...I love them. 

But more than food in a cafeteria, it means that the work week is half over!

Hump Day

Yesterday I discovered that I destroyed my History midterm and I look an eleventy billion hour nap...Good way to end my Tuesday!

Happy Hump day!


And now, to introduce you to my friend Paige!  She blogs over at A Dose of Paige
A Dose of Paige

She eloped with her husband (who happens to be a soldier, I said hooah) in 2012.  Paige is a recent graduate from nursing school. She is the mother to the most adorable puppy in the world and she blogs about just about everything under the sun.  I always love to read blogs where I can find something a little bit different every time I stop by.

Go on over a stay a while. You may love her blog just like I do :)


  1. Hope you had a great hump day!

  2. Omfg! I am dying! That video was hilarious!! So happy I found your blog!


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