
25 October 2013

Pinterest Really Is Awesome

I have got a serious Pinterest problem. 

Well actually, I don't really think that it's a problem. It may actually be an asset to my life. 

People make fun of Pinterest users all the time. They wonder why everyone loves Pinterest so much or how you could possibly spend so much time on the site, but it really is awesome.

The other day I was scrolling through all of the things that I have pinned and I bumped into a few old pins that I'm really excited about.  I think Pinterest can kind of change your life. 

I'm going to start reading again. 

I used to be an avid reader. I read...everything that I could get my hands on. I read one book, cover to cover every single day, but now, I can't remember the last time I read a book for fun. So as I was scrolling through and I found this 

There's a few on the list that I can do without and couple that I've already read, but overall, it looks to me like a pretty damn good list. And I'm gonna read em. And hope that it will change my life for the better. 

Have you ever Pinned something that really had an influence on you? I have. :)

Have you ever moseyed over to Katie's blog?  Great name right? I love it when people have my name and they spell it correctly and everything!

Anyway...she blogs over at Girl On A Mission to Lose the Cushion, but she is more than just a blogger. Katie is a small business owner. She recently graduated from college with a degree in business and  is working her butt off to show everyone what her business is all about. 

On Monday, you will find a lovely giveaway from Katie's store Metal Marvels. She makes the most adorable jewelry and I want to share it with you! I am a firm believer of only having sponsors that I believe in, and I certainly believe in Katie. So be sure to stop by on Monday and see what she has to offer. 


  1. I am currently reading that book by Jennifer close!

  2. I'm definitely a pinterest fan :) I've found so many amazing recipes because of it! My hubs will even get on and browse through pinterest looking for new treats to bake, ha ha! He told the guys he works with to have their wives get an account because they'll find good recipes ;) ha!


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