
09 October 2013

Why Can't I Just Have Both?

I have talked about all of the great things Las Vegas has to offer, but there are quite a few things that they do not have here that I really miss some days.

Right now in Utah, it's fall. The leaves are changing. The mountain sides are turning from shades of green to shades of red, orange, and yellow. The sunsets take your breath away and the air is crisp and cool. All you want to do is get a chai tea from Beans & Brews and cuddle up with your wooby.

Speaking of Beans & Brews, I had no idea it was just a Utah business until I started living here...I no longer get to have the most delicious Chai in the world in the mornings before work...It's tragic.

Via City Weekly

Here, everything is still green. I had to wear a jacket this morning, but the days are still sunny and warm.  I'll be excited for the day that I get to wear some boots and a sweater and it actually looks appropriate for the weather. Yes, that will be an awesome day.  Unfortunately, that Beans & Brews thing will never resolve its self.

I just really hope the days of dressing like this have not come to an end...

One of my favorite pass times at home was strolling through the Walmart...yeah Walmart in Las Vegas...There isn't one on every other major road like there is at home.  That means that when I'm too scared to get out of my car at the one on Tropicana--Yes, that acutally happened--I don't have many other options. At least not that I know of...I guess that means that I miss the security of living being in a generally safe area all the time.

I'm also going to miss the crunch of the snow under my feet as I walk out to the car.

I will not, however, miss scraping the frost off my windshield in the morning...That was the worst.

I miss my mom's spaghetti...It's not anything spectacular, but every time I came home to find out my mom was making spaghetti for dinner, I was instantly happier. I also really miss sitting at the table with my family talking about how our day went...

I miss cooking.
So. Bad.

I'm going to miss the annual fall trip to the pumpkin patch and pumpkin carving...

I miss my family of course. I suppose that one goes without saying. Every time I leave them I miss them. I love being independent and away from home, but that doesn't stop me from wanting to play with a cute lil baby or take my sissy to the mall...even though she's impossible to shop with, I still miss it.

Being away makes you grow up. It makes you a big kid real quick. I learned that when I was in basic training. I am an adult.

I have my own life separate from the one my family lives...

Why can't I just have both? 


  1. haha I know exactly which Walmart you are talking about! That one scares me too.

  2. Your outfits are so cute. It's full fall-mode here and I'm missing wearing less layers :-/ I think I'm one of the few who is not ready for fall quite yet...


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