
13 November 2013

A Post About Nothing

So, this year is nearing its end....November is nearly half over already!  It feels like I was leaving for basic training just yesterday, when it reality, it was nearly an entire year ago!

A lot of changes are coming for me (I feel like I'm always saying that!) and I'm probably a little bit too excited about it.

Because I'm changing everything about my blog soon, I have now changed all of my user names on my social media platforms. Don't worry, if you're already following me, you have nothing to worry about, but if you aren't the social media icons to the right will no longer work.

Please feel free to follow me on Twitter and Instagram with the user name @kt_nay clever right?

After seeing my design live I am so so tempted to launch earlier than January...I may just do that!  I am also planning a post holiday/new blog launch giveaway. No matter when I launch, that giveaway will be after the New Year. I suppose I could get your opinion!

Are you ready to see the change? I know I am. Let me know what you think!

Other than that, I really don't have a whole lot going on right now. I'm busily working on some things for school as the semester is winding down, I'm spending countless hours in the gym preparing for a pending APFT and I'm getting excited to return home soon!

What are you all up to this fine Wednesday?


  1. I am pretty excited to see the new blog and all the changes coming! May I ask who you had do your new blog design?

  2. Excited for your new blog! Good luck with all the changes!

  3. I am excited for the new changes! And I say a givaway is in order of new change!



I looove getting all of your comments and building relationships with other bloggers and all you wonderful people in the world that have something to say about the things that I write. Please, drop me a line and let me know what you think! Your comments make my day!