
01 November 2013

Pay It Forward

Yesterday, I was walking out of my room to go to the gym (which was so empty and it was awesome) and my suite-mate, that's the girl I share a bathroom with, brought me a some M&Ms and licorice for Halloween. I instantly felt bad because I didn't think to get her anything.
I swear to you, I almost cried when I looked down at the candy.  I hadn't been having the greatest day. In fact, I had been feeling really homesick and downright sorry for myself because I didn't have a bunch of friends to go out and "celebrate" with.

On top of that, when I opened my door this morning, there was another bag of candy on my door, probably from my RA.

 It has sort of inspired me to try something this month. November is my favorite month, besides May.  I love it because of Thanksgiving, which is my favorite Holiday. I know that there is all sorts of controversy over it.  People talk about the true origins and mistreatment of Native Americans and all that. But to me, it's about the spirit of it all. 

For the month of November, I'm going to work really hard to do random acts of kindness. I know that there's link ups and challenges for this, but I'm just going to do it. 

The other day on my way back from dinner, I was walking up to my dorm when I saw this guy carrying a whole case of water and a bag with 2 one liter bottles of lemonade in it by himself. I heard him struggling behind me, and I took off my heels and turned around. I didn't ask him if he needed help I just walked up him and took the bag from his hand and said "here, let me help you" and I did. 

He looked so relieved. I have no idea who he is or where he comes from, but I know I helped him and that was all that mattered. I like that. I liked how he was so grateful and how good I felt about it. It was a silly little thing that meant a whole lot to him.

I want to be someone else's bag of candy and helping had. 

I'm going to pay it forward this month...and hopefully forever. 


  1. :) What a great idea to pay it forward!

  2. That's really awesome! Good for you!

  3. What a great idea to do this month! :)

  4. Paying it forward is ALWAYS the best! I'm glad you had a few surprises to lift your spirits!


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