
05 November 2013

Talking About Bright & Shiny Things

Well helllloooo there today, bloggy.

I think this might be the first Tuesday since I have lived in Las Vegas that I haven't woken up on the wrong side of the bed.  For some reason, Tuesday is just uglier than Monday, especially because it's the day that I have to go to work :P

I really used to love my job, but it has turned into a place that I don't like to be. Not only do I not like being here, but I feel like I am at a dead end and it is time for something new now more than ever. - You're due for a promotion this decade

But I woke up on the bright and shiny side of the bed, so I should talk about bright and shiny things instead of dull ones like worky work.

So for some reason that I am not quite aware of, pretty much e'ry one one of my Facebook friends is in love with this picture and I really have no idea why! I don't know what is so special about it. I snapped a selfie because I put a tiny bit of effort into making up my face yesterday, and then everyone goes liking this photograph...Otay. I won't complain.

I don't think I've ever had this kind of response to a photo of me. So there you have it, my face is a hit and I don't know why. 

What else...? Hmmm...I'm running 40 miles this month. Maybe even more!
I'm joining Hannah from Hannah, Here! in her quest to walk/run 40 miles in the month of November. I used to be a total PT stud and now I can barely force myself to run two miles. So I think this will help me out. 

While Hannah is taking beautiful nature walks, I'm running on a treadmill and a track more than I am outside. In fact, I'm kind of scared to run outside. Las Vegas is a scary place. But it is still a really awesome goal that I'm working hard to meet! Want to join Hannah and me? Use hashtag #40milesinnovember to track your progress with us!

I got to see my "inspiration board" for my new blog and I am so so excited about it. For a minute I was rethinking it. I didn't know if I should do it, and I was second-guessing myself all over the place. All of my apprehensions are gone after seeing the ideas for my design. I'm having Jane from Poppiness Designs create my look and I could not be happier with my choice.  

I think that's about it for today! 

But before I go, I think you should run over to Kylie's Blog!

Kylie Smiles

She is new to my sidebar! Head on over and give her blog a read. I would recommend starting with this post!  It's one of my favorites that I've read from Kylie.  She's from Arizona, but living in my home-state! She write awesome posts that are truly inspiring for me to read! I highly suggest you head her way and check her out. 

Don't forget about my November sponsor Metal Marvels! It's never too early to start your Christmas shopping! Put in your order today!


  1. Where are you working? I haaaaaated my job on campus I had one year. It was terrible. I was so much happier when I found another job. lol Awww!!! That makes me so happy to her! <3 I'm excited about getting to work with one of my favorite bloggers. :)

  2. That is a gorgeous photo of you! I can see why everyone on FB liked it.

  3. Good luck on the 40 miles I committed to run 55 this month and so far I've only done 4 :( #FAIL


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