A List of Great Importance

I kind of want to talk about how I faced J last night for the first time since we broke up. But I also don't... So I'm kind to listen to the latter feeling and not talk about it. It was just...painful. If you're extra interested, you can email me and I'll spill. (but I'm guessing your not...)

Instead, I'm going to over-explain something that probably needs no explanation at all.
I have that list up there that hasn't got anything on it yet. There's a reason for that. I can't decide what the heck I want to do! What I have decided, is that it will be a list (hopefully finished by tonight!) that has a multitude of goals on it that I want to have accomplished by December 31, 2013. That means that I have 458 days from now to accomplish...however many things end up on the list. I have a feeling that it will grow and grow until it's impossible to finish by the dead line, but I've decided to take this approach:

"You are capable of more than you know. Choose a goal that seems right for you and strive to be the best, however hard the path. Aim high. Behave honorably. Prepare to be alone at times, and to endure failure. Persist! The world needs all you can give."
E. O. Wilson
Basically, if there's a few things that miss, that's okay, but the world needs all that I can give, so I shall give it.
Each time I accomplish something or commence something that ultimately lead to the conquring of a list item, it will become a link on the master list to a post all about it.
It may not be all that exciting all of the time, but I hope that they might be something worth reading on occasion!
Wish me luck in all my endeavors. Things could get pretty messy!
P.S.--When labling this post, I used a trick I learned from Full House to remember how to spell "Success" now that is sad...

I'm Katie. I'm a 20-something Soldier & student taking each day one step at a time. Living through all the growing pains that come with becoming that person that I always wanted to be & finding that bright side in all of this Camo-Colored Chaos. You can get to know more about me here.

Follow me on: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.


Jen said...

I'm sorry you saw him last night and that it was painful. If you want to talk about it, you can email me. I'm here to listen. :)

Steph said...

Facing an ex for the first time is so hard. It's equally hard not to dwell on it afterward. Kudos to you for taking a sucky situation and turning it into something positive and personal like your list!!

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