
08 October 2012

Because Monday Sucks

Amen, Garfield...Amen.

Although I don't really have a legitimate weekend, Mondays still just suck...

I come into work, sit there and wait for something to do and I am annoyed that I'm awake.

So in order to kick that...I decided to do this lil' link up. I'm a late comer to it so I'll have to do two in one today, but I think that it's a great idea and I'm excited to be a part of it. Better late than never right?!

You can find this link up over at BlogLoveTherapy to join in on the fun!

The first day is "Ten Secrets"

I tend to be a bit of an open book, so this first one was quite the challenge. This is what I came up with:

  1. I refuse to smile at the gym. My "perma-scowl" is meant to keep people from talking to me.
  2. I had an imaginary friend in kindergarten. I don't think I ever told anyone about her.
  3. I despise the color pink.  I tell everyone that I hate pink...but I kind of like it.
  4. I have a negative body image...even though I know that tons of people would kill to have what I have...I still feel like I'm never good enough.
  5. I rely on other people for my happiness. No matter how hard I try to make my own happiness, I need other to help me.
  6. I want to be a famous blogger...One that all sorts of different people read and talk about. Maybe even a journalist one day that everyone loves. I would probably give up a lot of things to excel in the writing field.
  7. I kind of wnat to be a body builder...A natural one that looks awesome and not gross. But I don't think I have the discipline for it.
  8. I blame myself for ruining my own life...I try my best to stay optimistic and not dwell on my mistakes. Most days it works out. But I really hate myself for ruining my favorite part of my life.
  9. If I could drink everything from a Blender Bottle, I would. I think they make me look cool
  10. I used to hate shopping. But now I love it. I can't stop spending money on the cutest dresses in the universe...
And now, "Nine Loves"
  1. Orange
  2. Lipstick
  3. Working out
  4. Coca-Cola
  5. Spaghetti
  6. Family get-togethers
  7. My job (Whaaa?)
  8. 'Merica. I really love 'Merica
  9. My friends. The close ones, the not so close ones, the bloggy ones, the Facebook Friends, my Twitter/Instagram followers...I just love...everyone that supports me who I can also love and support.


  1. Love your 10 secrets list. So honest.

  2. This is a cool linkup. Love your list!

  3. I love your 10 secrets, I am the same way at the gym! Even my husband is scared of me when I am there haha.


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