
07 October 2012

Social Without Structure

Today's Sunday Social is one unlike all others. There are no questions for us to answer! At first, I was disappointed. I love answering those questions. But then, I decided that this would be a good oppertunity to talk about the things I loove about Fall.
Sunday Social
If you want to share you favorite things about fall head on over to A Complete Waste of Makeup and Link up!

Admittedly, Fall is not my favorite season. I'm not a fan of the cold, I dislike Halloween, and I hate how it gets dark so early. But there are definitely things that I do like about it, even though I wish it was Spring turning to Summer not Fall turning to Winter...

One thing I love is Fall decor. My cousin Jessica runs a shop on Etsy called DefineBliss where she sells all this awesome stuff that she makes by hand. My favorite things are always the fall decorations.
Seasonal FALL Letter Set
Halloween--Wicked Letter Set
Source: DefineBliss Etsy

Seasonal Give Thanks Turkey Set
Source: DefineBliss Etsy

In fact, I love all these things so much, when I hit 50 followers, I'm going to be doing a giveaway! My very first one!  My favorite thing about all this stuff, is she makes everything herself. She gets help from her sister and other family members when she's trying to build her inventory for a show, but for the most part, everything is made by Jessica from her imagination. She also can do almost anything custom orders. It's amazing. She is so talented :)

And now that I've gotten very off-track...

There's a couple more things that I love about fall.

I love our annual family Pumpkin Patch excursion as well as the carving we do after that. I really don't like to carve pumpkins, but it's always fun to get together and hang out with all our cousins.
 This year, we decided to pick our pumpkins while we could have the pick of the patch then we'll carve them in a few weeks. That way they will still be good on Halloween.
We started the tradition of going to Mabey's Pumpkin Patch a few years ago. It was a lot more fun than just going to the grocery store and grabing one out of the cardboard bins.

We went out yesterday and this was the result!

That's Jessica from DefineBliss in the middle!

My mom and sister stolling through the patch

That speck in the distance is my grandpa in his motor-scooter. He decided to do some off-roading without us and check out the pumpkins.

That pumpkin had to have been 30 lbs and my sister wanted it. So I carried it halfway across the patch for my mom to say that she couldn't have it...

We ended up wtih three little wagons filled with pumpkins for us to carve.

Also, I really love Thanksgiving. My post giving thanks is already in the works. It's so important to me to let people know how much they mean to me and how many amazing things I have in my life.

Plus, I love mashed potatoes and side salads...Who doesn't?

Wow, that ended up being really long!
Stay tuned for a post about the actual carving of those pumpkins.

And also, like I said before, when I hit 50 followers, I'm doing a DefineBliss Giveaway! The sooner I hit it, the sooner some gets a fantistic piece from Jessica's shop!

Until next time!  Happy Autumn!


  1. I love Thanksgiving, too! :) It's absolutely my favorite holiday - Family, food, giving thanks. It's the best! :)

    Can't wait for the giveaway! xo

  2. Those pumpkins look amazing! I am your newest follower - one follower closer to 50 ;)

  3. We went pumpkin picking today too! So much fun :)

  4. I can't wait for Thanksgiving!! Food and family and football and the Macy's parade...cannot beat that combo! :) Stopping by from the Sunday Social link up. Happy Sunday!!

  5. Thanksgiving is amazing! I can't wait for it this year because I don't have to work!!

  6. Aww I love pumpkin patches! PS. That Etsy shop has some super cute stuff!

  7. It looks like you guys had SO much fun picking out pumpkins! We're going next weekend, I can't wait. And, I love those cute fall signs!


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