
15 October 2012

I got broken once, so I'm going to go party to celebrate surviving it...

Well, the day is finally here. One year ago today, I got in the accident that changed my life forever.  Seems how I already posted about it, I won't be writing about it today. But if you missed it last week, feel free to check it out!
So go out on a bike ride, do a crazy awesome work out in the gym, drink a protein shake, and do a little dance for me today.  Maybe have a drink for me. I'm not old enough to, so someone will have to do it for me ;)
And if you do go on a bike ride, wear a freakin helmet! You don't want to end up with a brain like mine...I'm a bear of very little brain...

I'm going to a concert tonight to celebrate that I made it through this horrible accident.  It broke my arm, it broke my spirits, and it broke my heart, but there's good things ahead for me...good things.

Oh yeah, Don't forget about my giveaway! Hurry and enter! There are only 7 days left!


  1. There are great things ahead for you! Go out and have an amazing time tonight! :)

  2. My accident happened on the same day! Hope you had a great time and send lots of that good energy my way! ;)


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