
17 October 2012

What A Night...

Well, folks, I survived the one year anniversary of my accident...I was planning on giving the bike a try, but this is as close to my bike as I got yesterday...The sationary bike. I just couldn't bring myself to do it, unfortunately...
On the bright side, I had an amazing time at the concert. I went with Jessica (from DefineBliss), another cousin, and some of their friends. I ended up ditching them very early on. Early being the second we got there, I disappeared into the crowd.

The band we went to see was Taking Back Sunday.  I have been listening to them for literally ten years, and this was their ten years tour "TAYF10" that's "Tell All Your Friends" It's their first album and they played the whole thing. I knew almost every song!
It has been a long time since I have been to a concert like this, but I remember how it goes. I fought my way through a huge crowd to the front and I got pushed around for over an hour. Luckily, it was totally worth it. It was an awesome way to spend a night that, last year, was spent laid up in a hospital bed in a whole lot of pain...I got pretty beat up last night in a really rude crowd, but it was worth it to see a band I've been listening to for 10 years!
So this year, I allowed the crowd to dictate what my hair looked like, I found a pick stuck to my belly (ew.) in my shirt. It was about half way through their set when I found it. Which is awesome becuase if I hadn't noticed it, I wouldn't have been out of luck, I'm sure the sweat wouldn't have held it up for much longer (again...ew.) And When I was standing in the merchandise line, I got retweeted by the band's official Twitter account and I FREAKED. Hence the screenshot.

This part kind of sucks though...the bruised feet :( and the fact that I am currently at work and I really wish that I was laying in my bed right now is not cool.

Have you linked your post to the Wednesday Walkabout? Well, get to it! It's an awesome link up where the only rule, is to link to a specific post. Link your blog to one of the following blogs and meet a few new friends! and....GO!
Chantal- Scattered Shells
Jane- Taingamala

***Also, don't forget to enter my GIVEAWAY! There's only a few days left to enter for your chance to win a $50 DefineBliss Gift card! Entering is easy! Give it a go!***

[edit: readers, when I make really dumb mistakes when I'm writing, I'm sorry...I don't proofread becuase I like to be authentic...If I proofread, I tend to edit content, and I like to say whatever I planned on saying originally...I came across some really stupid mistakes in this post, so I fixed them...but I apologize for bad grammar and mispellings from here on out]


  1. Sounds like you had an awesome time!!!! :)

  2. Good job with the work out bike. The concert looks awesome. I have enjoyed reading your blog. Your friend stuck in 29 palms.

  3. I love Taking Back Sunday! I worked a show they played and bonded with the bass player over tattoos. Lol. Glad you had a great sweaty bruised time!

  4. I am so jealous! They are my all time favorite band. I saw them the summer of '09 and it was the greatest concert experience I've ever had.


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