
28 October 2012

The Ghost of Halloweens Past

Before I launch into the Sunday Social this morning, I would first like to Congratulate Kim for winning my DefineBliss 50 Followers (now 62!) Giveaway. I will be contacting you by email shortly! I hope I don't lose any new friends now that it's over! Also, if you read my last post you read a few things that I want. The last one was a computer...Well, Last night, I randomly decided to make a gigantic purchase and buy a laptop! Crazy right?! I'm blogging from it right now and I am so excited about it!
Sunday Social
But now, onward to the Sunday Social.  You can head over to Neely's blog, A Complete Waste of Makeup and link up too!
1. Favorite Halloween costume as a kid?
I went as a gypsy in the first grade. I got this awesome silky dress thing that I wore as jammies for several years after that. I thought I was so awesome. Sadly, I don't have a clue where I would find any pictures of this...But I seriously wore that costume forever...Definitely my favorite.
2. If I could go back a dress up as something I didn't before?
I would dress up as a Buffy The Vampire Slayer. I love Buffy. She's basically my hero, but I was a little young to watch it, so I wouldn't have wanted to dress as her, but how cool would that have been?!
3. Favorite costume as an adult?
I'm a total Halloween Scrooge and I always have been.  It was always cold when it came time to trick-or-treat, candy has always hurt my teeth, I don't like to be scared and I'm not much of a partier...Basically, I don't like Halloween. But this year, I decided to go out and have some fun on Friday night I even dressed up if you can believe that!
Seems how this is the first year that I've dressed up as an "adult" this is my favorite costume!
4. Favorite Halloween candy?
Smarties. Hands down, Smarties are my favorite Halloween candy. I will trade every candy but my Almond Joys and Hershey bars for Smarties...I'm a weirdo, because they're like the dumbest candy ever, but they're my fave.
5. Best Halloween Memory?
I don't really have a specific favorite Halloween memory, but my favorite Halloween tradition we have is we go to my grandpa's house and eat chili while all the kids trick-or-treat all over the neighborhood. It's always so fun to hang out, eat too much chili and watch random crap on TV and laugh about old memories.
6. Favorite scary movie?
I hate scary movies. So instead, I'm going to tell you my favorite Halloween movies. I have two.
Hocus Pocus...Oh man I love Hocus Pocus
Double Double Toil and Trouble
Growing up, we watched this Mary-Kate and Ashley movie all the time around Halloween. We were nuts for it.
And that concludes the Sunday Social for today! I'm going to play with my new computer and eat some pizza rolls from my PK (personal kitchen...) hope you all have a wonderful Sunday!


  1. I hate scary movies too, but I looooved Hocus Pocus! You have inspired me to watch it on Wednesday!


  2. Yay! I won! Lol! Thanks so much Katie! Oh and I LOVE Hocus Pocus! It's one of my favorite Halloween movies ever! Happy Halloween! :)

  3. Yay Kim! I love smarties too, i could eat them all day long. lol

  4. Great minds doooo think alike ;) I must have missed that last question. Whoops! Our answer would have been the same, too though...I've already watched Hocus Pocus 3x this October. haha

  5. I will trade you my Smarties for your.... ANYTHING all day long :)

  6. hocus pocus and the mary-kate & ashley halloween movie are my two favorite halloween movies! :) good choices!

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