
19 November 2012


I'm having a bad case of the bloggy blues.

I was thinking about blogging about Drill this past weekend, but that wasn't all that exciting.
I thought about blogging about my love life. Then I realized I don't have one.
I considered saying a word or two about work, but work is definitely not all that fun to read about. I have brainstormed and thought for a while and I have decided on this:

I saw this on Pitch Perfect and I'm a little bit obsessed. When I can do this, I'm uploading it and sharing it with the world...Coolest thing ever.


Okay. I can do it...It's not the best, but I'm posting it anyway! I hope you like it! Here you go!

The end.



  1. Bravo! I remember seeing DJ and Stephanie do this on Full House...without the song of course :)

  2. That's so cool! You did such a great job! :)

  3. Holy cow! You've got skills girl!! There is noooo way that I could do that. Haha.

  4. Wow this is awesome!!! Great job! :)


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