
15 November 2012

Semper Stylish [Week 2]

Style.  What is it?  To me, style isn't about who you're wearing, it's how you wear it. I don't care if you got your shoes from Payless or Steve Madden, if you wear them with confidence and pair them with the right outfit for your particular tastes there's no doubt that you will look fabulous!

And that is the point of this link up. To show off your style.  Share what you are wearing, what you wish you were wearing, what you wore yesterday, anything goes! Just link up and share!

Semper Wifey


Welcome to the Semper Stylish link-up!

Hosted by:
Semper Wifey

Just link up your style or fashion related post here and leave some comment love on other participants' posts!

It would be nice if you grabbed the button and followed us both :)

Today, I'm talking about what I wish I was wearing. I have a fantastic Pinterest closet just like most of the women in this world. I'll sare a few pieces with you.

I am in love with tights this winter. I have tons of skirts and dresses and I needed a way to "winterize" them. So I bought a couple pairs of booties, several colors of tights, and I figured out a way to make it work :)

This is how I did it. Not quite as cute, but we can't all be as awesome as the girls on Pinterest!

I also really love jackets.  I probably have one for every occasion and every type of weather. 

Source: via Katie on Pinterest

I wish I had this specific one...I'm in love.

And shoes...Holy crap. Who doesn't love shoes? But honestly, I think that one day, I will have so many pairs of shoes, I'm going to need a closet just for them. They rock my world. Especially these ones. They epitomize my style...again, I'm in love...
Source: via Katie on Pinterest

What do you wear? What do you wish you wore? How would you wear it?! Link up and show us!


I looove getting all of your comments and building relationships with other bloggers and all you wonderful people in the world that have something to say about the things that I write. Please, drop me a line and let me know what you think! Your comments make my day!