
13 November 2012

It's InstaAwesome Over Here

It's been a minute since I've link up with my girl Jane over at Taingamala living in a very snow-less Hawaii, I so I'm laying down some InstaTuesday today!

Say Hello to my lil' friend. This is my iPod. It has been severely neglected.  Ever since I got my iPhone I really haven't had a lot of use for this ol' guy. A couple of nights ago, though, I pulled it out and plugged it in in the car.  I felt like I'd jumped back into high school...flew to the past. It's amazing how something as simple as a object can do that to you. 
I love nail polish. Like, I'm obsessed with nail polish. I paint my nails all the time, but I also peel it off the day after because if it gets smudged, I don't want to wear it anymore. Well, I tried that pinterest trick where you stick your hands in cold water to dry your polish. It totally worked and my polish is flawless. 
This was at the "Thank God Obama Won" party I went to the other night that I was very out of place at. I had so much fun, and I looked pretty rockin. Don't get too excited about the guy in the picture. He's gay.
Monday, I went to my friend's Harry Potter birthday party (Round I). She lives a little ways away so I carpooled with a friend. It was like a mini road trip. We had sunflower seeds and everything. See?!

And that's it. My life in Instagramed photographs. I'm in love with Instagram and I love to share my life in pictures. Are you following me?




  1. I love that nail polish color!!

  2. I love Sinful Colors nail polish! I actually think I have that particular one :)


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