
11 November 2012

Winter Wonderland...

I was planning on throwing down the Sunday Social today, but first I had to finish my application to University of Washington. It ended up taking forever and I didn't get a chance to write my Sunday post and now it feels like it's too late!

So instead, Ima tell you 'bout my weekend.
Wow, I shouldn't ever talk like that.

Thursday was the "warm before the storm". It was beautiful out probably 70 degrees. Friday, the snow storm hit. It started snowing when I left for work and it didn't stop.  I had to brush the snow off my car that morning around 8:00 then again when I left work at 4:00...I was so pissed, I took a picture of it. Hence, bottom left photo.

But I'm very excited that it's time to bust out the coat/hat/scarf combo though! I wore a sweater to work today.
Check out that Sepia tone...I'm cool. 

On Saturday, it was my friend's birthday. The roads were terrible and I was really scared to drive, but I braved it anyway. It was totally worth it too! It was a Harry Potter party.  Yep, grown ass adults have a Harry Potter party. It was fun...don't judge. And we had festive cups. What up.

I named this file "drank in my cup". I thought it was clever.

Oo, and on Friday I made my delicious taco soup and we found out that I'm going to be the auntie of a lil' baby girl! I'm very excited for that!

Friday, I went to a "Thank God Obama won" party.  It was a little bit strange for me to go to, seems how I'm conservative it's not even funny but I had a really great time. Made a bunch of new friends, took some fun pictures, and made some great memories...

My goal for this winter, is to enjoy it. I'm going to do my best to love the snow.  I will freeze my toes off wearing my Chucks in the snow...

 I'm going to find a coffee-type product that I like, and I'm gonna drink it. I'm going to go ice skating and eat soup. I'm going to wear scarves, boots, sweaters, coats, and hats. And I'm gonna party. Party like there's no tomorrow. Because I am young, and I can. :)

What are you doing this winter? Have you had the first real snow where you live at? Does it snow where you live at? Hate it? Love it? I want to know :)

Don't forget to stop by and check out my awesome November sponsor! Start your Christmas shopping early!


  1. Sounds like you had a great weekend! We will be moving this winter and from what we have heard El Paso doesn't get a lot of snow.

  2. We haven't had a first snow yet but I'm NOT looking forward to when it does happen. It was in the 60's this weekend. I'd prefer to keep it that way!

  3. Oh, fun! I want a Harry Potter Party and snowy weather :)

  4. Yay for snow and scarves, hats and boots! I'm a Los Angeles native and have never lived in or near snow! On the upside, it is getting cooler here and I'm loving the cuddles under the blanket with my pup Rocky. :)


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