
23 November 2012

Semper Stylish [Week 3]

Semper Wifey


Hosted by:
Semper Wifey 

Welcome to the Semper Stylish link-up!
Just link up your style or fashion related post here and leave some comment love on other participants' posts!

It would also be super nice if you follow both hosts and grab a Semper Sylish button!

Okay, now onto the good stuff!

All my life, I have been a strictly tee-shirt and jeans type of girl.
My sister said just the other day, "Since when does Katie care about fashion?" I'm not exactly sure when it happened, but it's fairly recent. I just...really like to put together outfits that works.  

Today is all about details.  
I took a dress that basically had nothing special going on and made it a cute outfit with a few small details. 
In this case, red high heels, thin red belt, a ring, a bow, and of course, red lipstick!

Lately, I've been working really hard to look my best on a daily basis. For some reason, my day just seems to go better when I'm dressed to the nines. 

I have been documenting all my outfits just so I can remember how cute I was when I get out of my ACUs and back into real-life clothes.
The jacket in the middle? That was only $35 at JCPenny...How could I say no?!
Apparently, my favorite mirror-picture pose is hand on the hip...

How do you tie an outfit together? What are you favorite accessories? Are you rocking an awesome "outfit of the day"? Take a picture and Instagram or Tweet it with #SemperStylish and share! Join in on our link up! You know you want to!




  1. Love those heels! Every lady needs a pair of red heels in their closet! :)


I looove getting all of your comments and building relationships with other bloggers and all you wonderful people in the world that have something to say about the things that I write. Please, drop me a line and let me know what you think! Your comments make my day!