
24 November 2012

The Coolest Aunt That Ever Lived

Being at work on a Saturday is really annoying.  I already work every Firday, Sunday, and Monday. so when I work Saturday, I basically don't get a weekend.  Luckily, I get off at 3:30 and I still have quite a bit of day left, but still...I'm annoyed to be here.

I took the liberty of dressing down. No one should have to be up at 06 on a Saturday. Luckily, because there are no trainees, I mostly just get to blog and play on Follow Me on Pinterest all day between calls...winning!

Lately, I haven't been doing quite as much blogging.  I've been very busy watching Grey's Anatomy (again) and not cleaning my room...I simply haven't had the time.

But now, I am making the time!

For those of you who don't know, I'm going to be an Auntie! I am sooo excited! Auntie Katie...Such a great ring to it! Unfortunately, though, I'm going to miss the birth of lil' Kallie...I will be about to graduate form basic training right around her due date.  It also means that I'll be missing the first several months of her life. I'm not super excited about that fact, but I am planning a bomb freakin dot com baby shower!

I would like to enlist the help of you lovely ladies that read my bloggy.

I want this baby shower to be awesome. I was on Pinterest (Holy moly guys...Follow Me on Pinterest!) all day yesterday looking for some cute ideas.

Yes, I'm aware one of those says boy...but that table is cute!

For food, I was thinking some stuff like this:
Source: via Katie on Pinterest

I love little finger foods, dips, veggies, that sort of stuff so I thought that would be a good idea. I figured that all the regular food would have no particular theme and all the desserts  or treats will be baby-ness and pink. Or something like that.  I have plenty of time to plan, but because I'm going to miss out on so much while I'm gone, I want this to be...well the best baby shower in the history of baby showers.  I want to be thought of as the greatest aunt that ever lived...
But I'm not going to be able to do it alone! Being at the fresh young age of 19, I have been to very few baby showers, and to be completely honest, they haven't been the most fun parties in the world...Of course, I was quite a bit younger, so I didn't get why everyone was fussing over the pregnant belly...

So. If you are a mommy who has had a baby shower, a sister or a friend who has thrown one, or attended a baby shower (or all three or whatever), I want your input! 

If you have some great ideas, please, please, please, share them with me!
Favorite baby shower games?
Favorite baby shower foods?
What annoys you about baby showers?
What should every baby shower have?
I want to know :) You can leave me a comment, Tweet @ me, e-mail me (
or...not. but I would love it if you did!



  1. I've made that chicken dip and its tasty :)

    I'm not a huge fan of shower games but at the last baby shower I went to they did a game where you had to finish the nursery rhyme. Sounds simple, but you'd be surprised how much of them you forget! We also did a word scramble with baby words, and a weird game where there's a tiny plastic baby in an ice cube and whoever "breaks the water" or gets the baby out first wins.

  2. Well, I'm 27 and i've never been to a baby shower I have no idea. but oh my goodness the jars of lemonade SO FLIPPIN' CUTE

  3. Every shower should have alcohol, finger foods, and lots of desserts!


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