
09 November 2012

Semper Stylish!

I am so excited for this awesome link up hosted by Semper Wifey!
Semper Wifey
She started this link up because she's not into brands or fashion necessarily, but she loves style. It's all about the way you work with what you've got! Which, to me, is so great. I don't have all the money in the world to spend on clothes.  You won't see me sporting any single clothing item over $30, but somehow, I find a way to make what I have look good on my body.

What are you wearing today? How do you make what you've got in your clothes look like you just stepped out of your Follow Me on Pinterest cloest?

This is what I've got on today. 
I pretty much wear those lil' boots with every outfit, but it just seems to work. So I have no shame.
Although, it wouldn't hurt to clean that bathroom mirror huh?

In the car, I put on some lipstick to dress up my Plain Jane look today.
Plus, I threw on this rain coat I bought for $7.99 at Savers.

Ya like? My favorite thing about this outfit, is that it's all pieces I have never thought to put together before. This morning, I needed something that worked for the weather out side, and this was it. This was not the outfit I had planned originally, but it was snowing outside a few minutes after I woke up, so I opted not to wear a dress today.

Personally, I think that style is so much more than just what you put on your body, but wearing it with confidence.  I always feel great about what I'm wearing when I hold my head high and I rock my read lip stick like I don't care what anyone thinks of me. Now that is style, if you ask me. 

What's your style like and how do you define it?

You can keep up with me in many ways! Don't forget to "Like" me on Facebook, Follow on Twitter and Instagram (@camocolored), or subscribe to my RSS feed!



  1. Cute!!! If I manage to get out of my pj's today I will do this. It's rainy and cold sooo we will see. :)

  2. I am all about shopping on a budget and working with what I have. Looks like you have it down pat too! High five!

  3. So adorable! And I love your shoes!! Thanks for linking up today, and I'm super excited to co-host with you starting next week!!! :)

  4. You are so cute! I promise you don't wanna know what I have on today. It's horrible- complete with stains and way oversized tshirt. My husband gets home from a conference today. I doubt he'll be very excited to see me in this. haha

  5. Loving the lipstick! Super cute! :)


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