
30 November 2012

This & That

First of all, don't forget about the give away I've got running! You can enter to win a 25% off discount to Nays Custom Leather's Etsy Shop and a custom leather bracelet anyway that you want it!
I have a bracelet and I wear it every day! In fact, I'm wearing it right now. They are adorable and I know you want one! So hurry and enter to win while you have the chance

It's always worth it to enter a giveaway! What do you have to lose?!


This day has been...interesting. 

First, I got up a little late (I've been staying up way too late re-watching Grey's Anatomy) and had to rush to get ready. I had to stop and get gas and I decided to grab myself some hot chai at the Beans & Brews. Drinking tasty hot drinks is all part of me trying to embrace the suck that is Utah in the winter time...

Well, the line at the Beans & Brews was way longer than it looked, so I started to get all anxious that I was going to be late, then I looked in my lap and realized that my badge wasn't I had to go back home and get it. Luckily, I made it on time, but not before spilling my chai all over in my car...Good one, Katie.

Luckily, there was still quite a bit left in the cup because I opted for the 20 oz...but still, I spilled hot, sticky liquid all over. Not cool. 

Then we got slapped with all these new rules at work. Some people have abusing their privileges of not being watched like a now everyone with my job title has to report what we're doing every moment of the day...Awesome? Not really. Of course, that is part of life, dealing with rules, but it's annoying that people had to ruin it for those that follow them.

I also decided today, that even though I don't believe in astrology and horoscopes and the like, sometimes, they tell me some good shit. Read this and tell me that this is something I didn't need to hear? Oh, you can't? I thought's kinda dead on.  If you know anything about me, you know that today's horoscope almost made a believer out of me...(still a skeptic though.)

Yesterday, I was listening to this Mumford and Sons song and I started wondering why I don't just listen to them all the time...They speak to me and their composition is fantastic. If you don't listen to them or you've never listened to them, I recommend you look into them. They rock.

And...tonight, I'm taking my adopted little brother out to dinner and a movie. Okay, so he's not really my adopted little brother. He's J's little brother, but I wish he was mine, so we're pretending. I'm really excited to hang out with him, but now I have to go clean up the spilled chai so he can ride  in the car. That's just how things go for me! 

I hope you all have a wonderful and safe weekend!

Enter the giveaway while you still can!


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I looove getting all of your comments and building relationships with other bloggers and all you wonderful people in the world that have something to say about the things that I write. Please, drop me a line and let me know what you think! Your comments make my day!