
29 November 2012

What We Are Made Of

So, it's about time that I say a little something about my awesome sponsor! You may have noticed his little banner down  at the bottom each post throughout the month. You have probably also noticed that it's Nay's Custom Leather.  It's not a coincidence, it is my daddy's business.

Telling my daddy's life story would take days. It could fill pages and pages of books upon books. He has been hunting and trapping ever since he could walk, learning completely by trial an error. He has always been the independent type who is constantly working at improving.

He left home the day he turned 18 and finished out his senior year in Montana on his own. He worked as a ranch hand(aka: Cowboy), a guide for hunters, a farrier (horse shoe-er), and many other jobs that have enhanced his abilities in his trade. My daddy has been working with leather for over over 20  years. Entirely self taught, his abilities are growing with each and every day.

He started with his own saddle. After that, he sold 5 more. His little sister displayed one of his saddle in the display window at the bank in downtown Salt Lake.  He had taught himself to make something only the best of leather workers can do...He is really very extraordinary. And he sells everything he makes for ridiculously low prices for the quality.

Here's a few pictures of him in his early days:

As time has passed his business has grown and adapted to the times. The demand for saddles just isn't what it used to be. My dad's business has been growing steadily for several years. Recently, he  expanded his business into the online sector. He got himself a Facebook and shocked us all! In fact, he's better at Facebook than I am.  He opened up a shop on Etsy and has expanded his merchandise into new fields. I have yet to seem him fail at creating something that someone asks him to make.

He has a true passion for working with leather. He believes in working hard for the things you have and always providing great service. He has a quick turn around and will always do his best to create exactly what his customers ask for.

This business is the epitome of what a small business should be. He created it from he was made of...My dad is a great example to me and it is a honor for me to advertise his business here on my little piece of the internet. So, do me a favor, enter this giveaway for 25% of anything in the Etsy store!

Don't write this off thinking there is nothing you would like! Take a look at all of these things that David (Daddy to me) can make for you!

Here are a couple things that I have. I have more than this...but this is what I've already got pictures of. 

Enter to win...nearly anything under the sun!



  1. How cool! My dad makes me leather belts but that's the extent of his leather making skills!

    I might pass along the etsy store to him, I'm sure he'll love it!

  2. WOW these are amazing, what an awesome talent to have. :)

  3. Your Dad is so cool! Very talented too! Love that Nook case! :)

  4. Cool blog! I'm a new GFC follower :)


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