
27 November 2012

Washing Your Hair Is Overrated

Here is attempt #2 at the Messy Challenge.

Visit Kelly's blog Messy. Dirty. Hair. to learn more about it and what it means to her!

And...MERRY CHRISTMAS! An awesome vliggity-vog-blog just for you!

This was made after 6 days of not washing my hair! Today would make 7 and an entire week...But I will probably break down and wash it at some point during this yeah, and without further ado...(is that a thing?)

If you're wondering how my hair looked each day of the challenge, these puppies are in order


Yup...that's 6 days of no washing my hair. Dirty hair, don't care. What up?

All I would like to say, is I hope that you, too, learn to embrace the mess. It's an amazing thing that will truly set you free :)



  1. I have gotten away from washing it everyday, but I can't do much more. I love not washing it. Dry shampoo is a wonderful thing, but I just feel nasty if I go more than a couple days.

  2. I love the messy challenge ;) I can go at least a week!

  3. I usually wash my hair every 2 days...go you for lasting so long. :)

  4. Woohoo! You did great! And, you look great! I never would have guessed those last pictures were day 6!

  5. Pretty sure I've done 6 days on accident before....dirty hair don't care!

  6. oh...whatev ;) You're one of those people who can be lovely with dirty hair. I am definitely not one of those. I look like a wet dog after skipping a day of washing. I would like to invest in some dry shampoo to try to help with that.

  7. this is awesome!! love your blog :)


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