
10 December 2012

Goal Oriented

Remember that giveaway I hosted last week? Well, I picked more than one winner! The First place winner received a discount to Nay's Custom Leather as well as a free custom leather bracelet. I decided to also pick two other winner to receive free custom leather bracelets as well. So! Congratulations to:


You will be contacted soon with details on how to collect your prize!

Also, a similar giveaway is currently going on over at Life & Everything Else In Between.  Head over and check it out!

And now, onto the super awesome Monday link-up 
 I'm linking up with Jenn and Jessica for the 5 for Five. You make 5 goals then you report back on how they went and make 5 more goals the next week! 

1. Drink water instead of soda. 
I did soo well with this one! I drank tons of water.  Even better, I made a deal with my bestie that if he quit chewing tobacco I would quit drinking soda. Now, I'm not sure if he has kept up his end, but I sure have! I haven't had a soda in almost a week and it feels good!
2. Christmas shop. 
I didn't really shop per se, but I did purchase several gifts for quite a few people in my family. So I'm calling that one good!
3. Pre-write some posts for when I'm gone.
I didn't get to this...I haven't been feeling good or in the mood to type away at my computer, so I'm going to work on this one for the rest of the month. 
4. Cook dinner for my family every night. 
I didn't really rock this, but I did cook for a couple of nights. It was nice too. Everything tasted great. I made taco soup, and I braved a lasagna for the first time. It turned out tasting really good.

5. Go to the gym every day.
I didn't go every day, but I went enough. I worked really hard and I didn't feel well so it didn't seem like a good idea to over do it.

This weeks goals!

1. Adress all the baby shower invites. 
I have to collect a zillion of the addresses from online and put them on envelopes. I also have to create the invites, and possibly buy more of them..
2. Get my hair done and fix the ugly that are my nails. 
I literally just barely made an appointment to get my hair done. So that is basically a sure thing!
3. Do yoga...I really need to try and get some positive energy into my soul, I think that yoga might help me a little bit.
4. Send out Christmas cards with personal notes in each. 
5. Wash face morning at night. You would think that this would be easy, but the simplest things get left in the dust if you don't pay attention to them. 

Alright. And there you have it! Hopefully I will do a little better with my goals this week!


  1. I love drinking lots of water, makes me feel so much better. I usually have 1 soda a week. Hopefully I can stick to that lol. Good job!! :)

  2. If I'm that Jane then I am SUPER excited! Woop! Wow your lasagna looks delicious! Did you use a recipe or wing it? Either way, I want your recipe! I am SO bad about washing my face! It should be so easy but I almost never remember to do it.

  3. Personal note in each?!? That's a big commitment! Love your goals an successes!

  4. I just came across your blog! I'd love if you could come check out mine. Maybe we could follow each other?!


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