
07 December 2012

Semper Stylish [fitness edition]

Semper Wifey

Hosted by:
Semper Wifey

Welcome to the Semper Stylish link-up!
Just link up your style or fashion related post here and leave some comment love on other participants' posts!

It would also be super nice if you follow both hosts and grab a Semper Sylish button!

  Today, I'm talking about style in the gym! Personally, I don't think that the gym is the place to show off how cute you are. I think it's a place to get down and dirty. You sweat, you work hard, and you grow.  But I'd be lying if I said that I don't do a lil' hair and make up check pre gym.

I like to go there looking...appropriate. So this is my gym-style!

These are my favorite pants to wear to the gym. They are comfy, tight and they have a splash of orange down the side (that's my favorite color!) I don't like to have anything bouncing around on me while I'm running on the treadmill, so yoga pants or running pants or whatever you want to call these are perfect. And I'm not gonna lie, they make my butt look fantastic.

I bought these shoes a few months ago and I'm so in love with them. Not only are they adorable, but they're light weight, they breathe, and they make me feel like I'm running on a cloud. That is something I greatly appreciate when I'm on mile number two...

Puma socks...I cannot stop buying more and more puma socks. I have a bunch of different kinds but these ones are my favorite. They are the athletic kind with the arch support band dealy. It is...heavenly.

So, I go to the gym looking...well I wouldn't say glamorous, but I always try my best to keep my boobs in my shirt and my head held high, which is a lot more than I can say for most women at the gym...

Speaking of most women at the gym, why the hell do so many of them work out with their hair down? If you are breaking a sweat at all it feels gross to have your hair all sticking to you. Or it gets in your arm pits. You can't jump, run, bounce...without it being annoying. I don't understand it and I never will. 

I also hate it when they wear just sports bras or like fitness tops that are like sports bras...whatever they are...and all they do is look at themselves in the mirror AND yesterday, I saw a girl taking pictures. Like ten of  them in the mirror...Serious, you have a hot bod, so obviously, you did something to get it, but it must have been steroids because you waste you time at the gym...

Go home...ya'll don't deserve to take up space in this crowded place.

And now that I have ranted sufficiently please link up.
You can post anything style or fashion related!

OK, now link up your cuteness!


  1. haha yeah I hate those girls taking pics at the gym. lol. I love Puma socks. Lately I tried Saucony socks and I am even more in love with them!

  2. I LOVE those pants. They are great. And, I agree, I always laugh at the girls who might as well be wearing heels on the elliptical because they have a full face of makeup and you know they aren't going to dare sweat and make their mascara run! lol

  3. The shoes!!! Haha, you make me want to go to the gym.

  4. I love workout clothes! No reason you can't look cute at the gym, too!

  5. Love those socks! Anything with arch support I'm all over!


I looove getting all of your comments and building relationships with other bloggers and all you wonderful people in the world that have something to say about the things that I write. Please, drop me a line and let me know what you think! Your comments make my day!